I realize her hair is straight, but how gorgeous is this? |
As said girl, I would wear cute t-shirts with little birds on them and always have a scarf. I am working on becoming that girl. Since I don't roam around Corporate America anymore, I can have fun with my work clothes and I'm finding that my "play" wardrobe crosses over into work territory often. Just a little "Marlene" insight.
I just got two adorable silk sheath dresses 50% off each! They were regularly $118 and were marked down to $59. I actually wasn't shopping which makes this even more exciting. AND I had just returned a skirt at a different store that was as much as one of the dresses and not as functional. (Truth-it was a white running skirt with ruffles. What was I thinking?) I went to get a sandwich at the shop across the mall and the magnetic pull of Anthropologie pulled me inside.
The other dress is the exact same shape but has a band of bright turquoise on the top, muted grey in the middle and a small band of bright yellow at the hem.
Here is where I really get excited. Both dresses have little slips that snap onto loops in the shoulders. I already have a slip that is beyond wonderful.
I am actually wearing the slip with a different dress today so I tried it on with the new ones and it works perfectly (yet again!). I won't wear the slips that came with the dresses so that makes them...NEW NIGHT GOWNS!
Oh happy day!!!

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