For the past week, I've been preparing my kitchen for the big "addition." I'm working hard to get it ready, so that when it is done, it's done! It's amazing when you look at something everyday you don't realize how much things can change...example: I clean my kitchen...a lot! We have builders grade tile floors with a light gout. Not my favorite, but it will do. I mop and clean the floors with different cleaners...steam mop, Swiffer Wet Jet, Clorox Wipes, various tile cleaners, vinegar, you get the picture...After we moved the washer and dryer out of the kitchen I realized how white (clean) the grout was where they had been...and how dirty (black) the grout was where we lived! Kinda gross when I really thought about it. I finished up some house work one afternoon and was about to run to the hardware store for some over the top expensive grout cleaner when I decided to make some myself. Here's the simple recipe to my great potion:
1/4 cup bleach
3/4 cup baking soda
Not exactly rocket science! It creates a nice thick paste that I mixed together in an old cup. I went to work with an old toothbrush and was able to clean a 5' x 6' area with this amount. After scrubbing the grout, I let it sit for ten minutes, then wiped it clean with a rag and hot water. (I filled up a bucket before I started because the rag constantly needed rinsing out). I was pretty pleased as I scrubbed, it wasn't sparkling, but it was looking better. When I finished, I walked away to do a few other things before the Smurfs got out of school.
I guess I wasn't using too much brain power that day, because one reason it never looked sparkling clean while I was cleaning it was because it was wet. I didn't figure that out until an hour later when I walked back into the kitchen and...holy batman!!! My kitchen floor didn't look good, it looked GREAT! Like shout from the roof GREAT! I really could not believe it. I wanted to call everyone I knew! While I did tell my mom, my dad, Marlene, the principal and secretaries at the Smurfs school, and a few other random people I met on the street that day...I saved the before and after picture until now...
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before...gross...I know! |
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during |
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after :) |
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you can clearly see where I left off after day one... |
Rachel :)
now you should go to that hardware store and get some grout sealer so you can ward off doing this for a few years - it will seal the grout so every time you mop and get dirty water (can even be the least bit dirty) it doesn't sink in and slowly become dark again! They sealer will tell you on the bottle how often to re-seal.
came across your blog through pinterest! thanks for the post
What if your grout color is a light taupe? Will this bleach out the original color?
Outstanding! I moved into a place with no less than 850 sqft of filthy grout that I will begin scrubbing this weekend. Thanks for the excellence!
This is awesome! I'm trying this tomorrow during my son's nap.
I have dark grout. Any suggestions?
We have light beige grout that was BLACK. I did this today and I'm freaking out excited. Like you say, I want to tell EVERYONE and invite them over to see the 5x6' patch that I finished today. YAY YAY YAY. You do NOT know how excited I am!!!! seriously, it was black and now it looks sooooo beautiful!
I rent and also have semi dark grout on ceramic tile and worry about the bleach.. I'm also starting to wonder if maybe the grout is just dark from being dirty.. Lol!
The original color on my grout was a light taupe/greige color. The bleach def lightened it more than it is supposed to be, but I didn't mind. I would try a solution with no bleach for darker colors, althoug I'm not sure how to tell if dark colors are clean or not?! And seal it to protect it when you are done :)
Thank you for sharing this, although I have a love/hate about this post. I love how clean it got my grout, but I hate that now I have to go through my entire house since it's all tiled. Looks a little weird with light gray in the kitchen and black everywhere else, haha. I added a bit of water to the solution to make sure it didn't bleach out my light gray grout and also didn't let it sit for 10 mins. Just did a bit at a time, then rinsed. Worked amazingly. Thanks again!
Great idea!! We are doing this today - and I have a question. Does it matter what type of bleach you use? I notice in the picture that the bleach is the 'ultimate' type. That is a bit thicker than regular bleach. Does it matter which type we use? Thanks!! Happy Friday!!
I'm sure any bleach would be great! I feel that Clorox Ultimate is not as strong or as "bleachy" as the original, so you might get better results! Good luck :)
Holy BATMAN is right!!! Just did my tile yesterday, it looks like new tile! Thanks for the tip!!
WOW, that is an amazing difference - and just what I need! I have a pretty similar color of tile and grout & was just noticing the other day how grimy it looks. I am so happy I found this.
I once uaed clorox gel cleaner. Worked well.... No mixing . Just squirt it down the tile line and use a toothbrush. But this i usually have on hand :)
Excellent Post. Thanks for the new information.
The only down side of having darker tile is you can see all the baking soda that was left behind, even after wiping. It's going to take a few wipe downs, but my grout is now light grey instead of charcoal/black :)
I am really excited to try your recipe! I am in the midst of a house cleaning challenge on my blog, and attempting to tackle the nasty grout was on my list. I will be sure to let you know how it works! Maid Service Georgetown TX
Ug I have been scrubbing mine for over a week now with vinegar and baking soda, and it is taking so long! I am going to have to try your way out!! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Great blog :O)
I cant believe how well this works
I used hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and got the same results without the yucky bleach chemicals.
I will definitely be trying the bleach (or hydrogen peroxide) -- seems more effective. I tried an ammonia/vinegar/baking soda recipe and really had to can see my results on my blog:
Be careful when using bleach on tile and grout as it will erode the grout over time, causing more harm than good. I learned this the hard way. :(
You also HAVE TO seal the grout after cleaning it with bleach... another painstaking job!
Woah! I literally had to scroll up again just to see if I was seeing the same tiles or not. That’s like a leap-to-the-moon improvement you got there. Congratulations! However, I have to agree with the last comment that too much bleach can destroy the grout. Perhaps scheduling the use of bleach in between regular sessions of natural products will help in this situation =)
Mackenzie Person
I bookmarked and save your page. Thanks for the helpful blog.
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Do you think this will work on the tile too? Since we bought our home 6 months ago I always thought the kitchen tile looked dirty no matter how much k tried to clean it and no matter what I tried it still looked the same. I was beginning to think that was just how it was supposed to look. Until I've just spent the last day and a half scrubbing each tile with magic erasers. It looks great but I'm only half done with the tile and haven't even started the grout yet. My hands and fingers hurt and I think it would go much faster to do this if you think it will work. :o) thanks for this
Use your carpet cleaner on the rinse afterwards instead of on your hands and knees. Saves your hands and knees and gets up all of the baking soda as well!
Resolve high traffic works good too. Just spray on the grout let set for 30 minutes and rinse off.
I am going to try this on the grout on kitchen counters, coffee pot exploded leaving grout with a coffee stain. Hope it works.
My husband sent me a link to this from pinterest because I am always complaining about our tile grout. IT WORKED!!! Thanks!
Hi Accessorize,
You have written glorious about DIY Homemade Grout Cleaner.
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I've dealt with a lot of grout cleaners my whole life. I didn't know that a mixture of baking soda and bleach would do the trick. It's really a good thing to search and visit blogs like yours because of all the helpful tips that you've been sharing to people. I'm really thankful for your post. This time, I won't have a hard time scrubbing the floor for hours and hours. Guy Houchins
I used NuGrout Colorant to color the grout in my kitchen. My floor looks fantastic! The best part is I saved a bunch of money since I didn’t have to re-grout the tiles. My wife LOVES the outcome! You can find out more about these products at
i cannot wait to try this. years ago a friend came over with a miracle bottle of cleaner, started in the middle of my kitchen. THE MIDDLE. LOTS and LOTS of tile floor throughout the house. needless to say, several weeks later i had finished it all.
Now, we have much less tile, but still dirty stuff. i am excited to find a cure.
Thank you! My master bathroom floor grout hasn't been this clean in a long time. Doing the hall bathroom next.
Grout cleaning is very job..I have seen Bond Clean service providers using special technique and cleaner for grout cleaning
These blogs are valuable because these are providing such informative information for all the people. Fresher Cleaning
Wow! That looks amazing! I’ve never seen any grout looking that clean! And the formula for the cleaner is very easy, too! This will definitely be a money-saving cleaner!
Gail Wallace
I just used the "bleach" left over from streaking my hair on my bathroom grout. It worked instantly and the shape of the bottle worked perfectly to squeeze just along the grout line.
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I must try this on our bathroom floors - thanks for sharing this great tip with us.
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Thanks for sharing this post. I really needed a recipe like yours because I'm on a tight budget and really can't afford any expensive cleaners.
My kitchen floor was in a similar condition. I used your mixture and it worked great, the grout now is yellow as it was, not almost brown. Thanks for the idea!
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That's how it was for me. I moved, thought the place had black grout, then looked in the cupboard to see white grout. It's was like a crazy home make over when I got done scrubbing!
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ohhh its look totally different. i loved the decoration too much.
This has nothing to do with cleaning tile! Quit trolling...
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Grout cleaning is very necessary especially when you have white tiled floors. I don’t like to do cleaning jobs but it is an important task. So, I have hired tile cleaner from Marks Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne and they clean my Grouts white floor which becomes yellowish before the cleaning now appear white and shiny again.Thank you so much for clean my white tiled Grouts. Now I m really very happy for seeing my home.
I had to experience a horrific incident recently. My Wife was walking around in the room with a cup of coffee. And, suddenly due to the sudden jerk, the entire coffee spilled all over the floor. And, our precious floor tiles got tainted with it's spots. We immediately, Back 2 New Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne for help and they rescued the tiles of the floor from getting dis-coloured. The tools and the techniques they used for cleaning the tiles were top class and there was no scope for complaint left. We would like to give the best ratings to the Back 2 New Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne.
Grout cleaning is very necessary especially when you have white tiled floors. I don’t like to do cleaning jobs but it is an important task. So, I have hired Back 2 New Cleaning and they clean my Grouts white floor which becomes yellowish before the cleaning now appear white and shiny again.Thank you so much for clean my white tiled Grouts. Now I m really very happy for seeing my home.
It has been few years since we got the tiles of our house changed. I and my husband are working individuals, so we don't get enough time clean them or get them changed frequently. One of my friend suggested to get the tiles polished. He suggested that this service would only take 2 days and we could save some of the money as well. The tiles will retain their lustre and shine like before. We abided by his advice and booked an appointment with Eagle Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane. To our surprise, they not only finished the entire work in a single day, but also did a perfect job. We cannot thank them enough, because, now our floor looks shiny and elegant at the same time.
We get our tiles and grouts cleaned up once in every month. Unfortunately, the company we hired to do this work last time did not deliver good results. They did a disappointing job and the stains/spots were not cleaned properly. We came to know about Green Cleaner Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane through an advertisement. We browsed their name on the internet and found out that they were the best professional help available in our town. My husband immediately made an online appointment with them and within the next few hours they scheduled the service for us. They came and did the entire work, without even bothering us once. We only had to book the appointment and pay them at last, rest of the headache was taken care of. We would happily recommend everyone to hire Green Cleaner Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane for getting their tiles cleaned up.They provide the best service using the latest tools and techniques.
Our bathroom tiles were accumulated with a lot of dirt and hard water stains that were almost impossible to clean even with daily cleaning. We have used literally hundreds of products but the result was always zero. Recently we have visited to our neighbors’ home for a party and we were surprised to see their sparkling bathroom and home tiles. Asking the products they use to maintain the shine, we came to know about Deluxe Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane and their extraordinary cleaning solutions. In addition to the extremely user-friendly customer care, we loved the fact that they use extremely mild cleaning agents to remove dirt and hard-water stains from the tiles. We are completely satisfied with the Deluxe Tile and Grout Cleaning's services, and we will recommend it to all who are dealing with dirty stained tiles.
After trying numerous products to remove the tough stains and debris from the tiles, I was almost hopeless and planning to buy new tiles for our home. Just then, my friend suggested me to try the professional cleaning services for my tiles. After searching for weeks over the internet, I get to know about Tip Top Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane and after contacting them for the services, my tiles are as great as new and have retained their shine that was diminished with time. Personally, I find this company extremely reliable and efficient. I would love to recommend this company for all those who are looking to replace the tile due to their dullness. Try them to retain the shine of your tiles, you won’ be disappointed.
Most of the tile companies that we have contacted so far have literally disappointed us by their services and the way they handle their customers. This made us searching for effective DIY to clean the tiles all by ourselves. But, the results are not at all acceptable. We came to know about Spotless Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane through the internet and thought we should give them a try. The cleaning experts of the company looked promising to us and showed utmost professionalism to their work. Along with a prompt service call, we got the same day service and a 100% customer guarantee. And frankly speaking, what else could you ask for while hiring an affordable tile cleaning company. We would surely recommend the cleaning services of the company to all the homeowners of the area to make their home a cleaner place to live in.
Finding a reliable tile cleaning service was a pain for us until we got a serious recommendation for Sparkling Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane from my colleagues. They were using the tile cleaning services of the company for a long time and were satisfied with the performance. We filled the service request form on the company’s website and surprisingly we got a return call within an hour. The experts asked for a free check and then offered us the quote that was extremely reasonable. Along with this, the cleaning experts are fully equipped with modern cleaning agents and equipment that made the cleaning process much faster than our expectations. We are now a trusted customer of the company and would like to recommend it to all those who are after a reliable tile cleaning company.
Peters Cleaning Services is good for all your tiles and grout cleaning. They are cost effective. I booked them last month for my kitchen tile cleaning. They have the perfect knowledge of doing the work. They really impressed me with their services. I found Peter Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbaneg is not very expensive. I would like to recommend Peters Services to all of you for your home and kitchen tiles cleaning.
If you are looking for a tile cleaning then go with Zenith Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane , they provide highly recommendable service. I hired them and i m fully satisfied with their service. These guys did a brilliant service. They send their professional and experienced team same day of booking. The team is very cooperative. They cooperate with me and understand my tile and grout very well. SO I THANK TO BECAUSE THEY GUYS CLEAN MY TILES WHICH WAS STAINED BY MY PARTY HALL. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM.
We loved this company!! Whether it is about the service promptness, brilliant quote, or the procedure of cleaning the tiles, all of them are top-notch and flawless. We got the service call within a couple hours after sending them the request. In no time, Marks Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane sent the expert at our home to get a detailed look at the condition of the tiles and provided us the estimate. The thing that we loved the most about the company is their professional approach to deal with the customers. We strongly recommend you to try their services and you will also fall in love with them.
Hi friends, I was looking out for some professional groutcleaning services to clean the tiles and grout of my bathroom.During my online search, I came across Mark’s Tile and Grout Cleaning Adelaide company. I must say that they really have a team of experts in tile and grout cleaning and they also provide same day services which make them highly recommendable
Are you guys are wondering a tile cleaner for your dirty tiles then go with Fresh Tile and Grout Cleaning Adelaide. I reccommend them because i gain a very good experience from them. I hired them for cleaning of my ceremic tiled floor which has a plently of mold and meldew. They came and remove everythimg from the tiles and make them clean, shiney and attractive.
I hire Pool pavers Tile and Grout Cleaning for the renovation of my floor and they guys did a brilliant job They did the job exactly what i want. They complete the whole work in a week and they charge reasonable price that you can afford easily I hired them and got a very good experience. I advise you to all, that if you also going to hire a tile cleaner then definietly go with Squeaky Clean Tile and Grout Adelaide!
Just want to endow some worthwhile google, facebook for Terrace Tile and Grout Cleaning of Tile stripping significant work. They guys came early prepared my house and then started the drilling job, they smoothed my flooring n vacuum and split my old tiled floor to totally new floor. Absolutely overjoyed with the result.
Best Professional Tile and Grout Cleaning Services in GERMSLSS TILE AND GROUT CLEANING ADELAIDE They removed blackness from the grouts and tiles look like new now. Highly recommended Company.
This is Advance Service Laundry Tile Grout Cleaning. SK Tile And Grout Cleaning Adelaide providing you Excellent Tiles and grouts look like the first day installed work. Look new and more shiny/ glossy. Highly recommended service. Thank you guys
Cleaning Day are just ultimate saviors! I had a badly Tiles. Basically, we went on a foreign tour for a month, and when we returned, my tile and grout – everything was dirty with a thick layer of dust.
My husband suggested Sandstone Tile Cleaning Adelaide as his friends have hired them a few times. And yes, they actually worked wonders. They not only helped in cleaning the tiles and grout, but also offered us a quick discount as a part of their promotional scheme.
I am glad and satisfied with the services I received. Without a doubt, they are the best!
Are you guys are looking for an ultimate and reliable cleaning company for Tile And Grout then go with my decision - Concrete Sealing Adelaide They deliver ultimately incredible service all over in Adelaide. My tiles was damaged and I hire them and receive an extremely incredible service within 2 hours of my booking date. So if you want a brilliant service then come to koala cleaning. I highly recommend them not only for tiles but also for Upholstery, Carpts, Curtains too.
I recently shifted in a new home and their tiles are in very bad condition. Especially bathroom tiles have no. of cracks and dodgy stains. I hired Limestone Tiles Cleaning and make my tiled floor clean. Thanks to Spotless Tile Cleaning!
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Very informative! I have tile floors so I should keep my floors clean at all cost, other wise, the floors start to stain. However, since I have 4 kids and work, I’m unable. I have found that The Top Cleaner is a website that has helped me find the best companies to clean my floors!
Hi dear,
I really loved your article, and totally agree with your article. I have faced some problems while cleaning grout. Actually, this low-quality grout hardens in chunks and wears off. And ultimately tiles loose ups and comes out. For deep root stain it is not possible and time consuming job, using scrubbing with vinegar and baking soda, need something powerful product. And, even using the vinegar, I found out that it is losing the natural shine of the stone tile. And I found product Imperia deep clean, Sentura and Caponi a product of pFOkUS which an excellent, adheres and covers all the grout lines perfectly in a single coat as if it is a new grout. There's no going back now, these floor cleaners full fill all my needs for my home improvement.
These products worked fine for me! Thanks for this beautiful article :) God bless you!
Hi, thanks for the great tips. Bleach and baking soda is a really affordable and natural way of getting rid of grout stains. I will let my part time maid try this out!
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