OMG...What kid would not want this in their backyard? Smurfette and Brainy Smurf would LOVE it and since I have a another addiction to chalkboard paint, I would love it too! The day after I saw this we went to the hardware store to get everything we needed...
4 x 8 plywood
black primer
black outdoor paint
unsanded tile grout
The directions on Pinterest read:
Outdoor Chalkboard: Get a 4 x 8 plywood sheet and mix a chalkboard-colored outdoor paint with unsanded tile grout: 1. Pour 1 cup of paint into a container. Add 2 tablespoons of unsanded tile grout. Mix with a paint stirrer, carefully breaking up clumps. 2. Apply paint with a roller or a sponge paintbrush to a primed or painted surface. Work in small sections, going over the same spot several times to ensure full, even coverage. Let dry. 3. Smooth area with 150-grit sandpaper, and wipe off dust. 4. To condition: Rub the side of a piece of chalk over entire surface. Wipe away residue with a barely damp sponge.
Oh, sounds so easy and fun, right?...Wrong! I primed the board first...easy! When it was dry we were ready to paint...and yes, I said paint. Honestly, that's what I thought. Until I mixed the tile grout with the paint. Ugh! I'm not a tile expert. Actually, I'm a tile unexpert. I know nothing about tile or grout. Zip. Zero. Nada. Point taken? So, I really didn't know that when I mixed the grout with the paint that I would have a mess. A big, fat, hard to stir, clay-like, tar looking mess. That you can't paint on. Oh yes, its was that hard. Thankfully I had a set of gloves in my handy dandy painters box. Along with an old paint brush. My mixture was thickening! I went to work spreading with my gloved hand and brushing smooth with the other hand. It was everywhere! Here's what I learned:
1. Don't mix more than one cup at a time
2. Start in the middle of the board
3. Work with someone
4. Seriously, don't mix more than one cup at a time
5. Stick to small areas (yes...I know that's what the directions said)
It took three cups for one side of my 4x8 board. And now I understand the sanding part. Before, I was ready to skip it. It also helps to not tackle this project in the heat of the was hot! But, as always, we survived. Mr. T and I hung the finished product this morning. The Smurfs are visiting their grandparents for a few days, but when they come home I think we will get rave reviews for this project!
Rachel :)